5 Ways to Stay Green While Social Distancing
Apr 22, 2020Unfortunately, while most of us will not be able to participate in outdoor activities, environmental cleanups or rallies for Earth Day 2020, there are still many ways to stay green at home while social distancing. Before we get started, make sure to calculate your Carbon Footprint to get an idea of how much your existing lifestyle has influenced the climate.

- Plant a Garden
There are many different fruits, vegetables, and herbs that you can grow in your backyard instead of buying at the supermarket. Consider growing plants like tomatoes, garlic, basil, or spring onions! You can also grow native plants to support your local ecosystem. If you have the space of it, you can even plant trees, which will help absorb more carbon dioxide and provide shade for you and your family.

- Recycle Right
Did you know that putting non-recyclables into your recycling bin can result in the entire bin of recyclables being rejected and sent to a landfill? Make sure to empty your bottles and clean food waste off food containers before you put them into your recycling bin. Familiarize yourself with what can and cannot be recycled by your local municipalities and try to see if any of your waste can be reused or repaired before disposing of them.

- Conserve Your Energy
Having to stay home means that our in-home energy consumption has increased. However, there are many ways to make sure that you use your energy efficiently, reduce your carbon footprint, and keep your energy bills down! Keep your unused electronics unplugged, since many electronics can still consume energy even when they’ve been shut off. Switch your lights off when you leave a room and turn down the heat. Switch your incandescent light bulbs or CLF bulbs to LED bulbs—they’re more energy efficient!

- Buy Carbon Offsets
Purchasing carbon offsets are a good way to compensate for larger greenhouse gas emissions that are unavoidable like international travel. While we may not be able to travel now, those that have taken flights or cruises in the past should consider buying some carbon offsets to mitigate the carbon impact of those trips if they have not already.

- Make the Switch to Renewable Energy!
Some cities and states give you the choice to switch your energy supplier to one that runs on renewables. However, you can go one step further and invest in independent home energy solutions such as residential solar, wind or geothermal energy. Hesitant to install panels on your roof or make major structural changes to your home? Innovative solutions like our SmartFlower solar system exist so that you can choose to power your house sustainably on your own terms.
Want to learn even more ways to reduce your carbon footprint? Check out the links below:
- 7 Instant Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint – HuffPost
- How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint – The New York Times
- The 35 Easiest Ways to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint – Columbia University